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    In 2019, Conrad collaborated with family members, to develop the MyAbilities App. Conrad being one of 12 children and having over 200 nieces and nephews where several family members have different types of disabilities helps him to develop MyAbilities App.

    Working with my best friend and partner Edic DeArmas of both FamTeck and MyAbilities, we were able to make this a reality that benefits the community.

      • Caregivers have no way of knowing if seniors and loved ones are taking their medications on-time and as scheduled.
      • Challenges training and showing people with special needs such as Autism, intellectual disabilities, hearing impaired, and other health and mental challenges to do repetitive tasks in order to be more independent and productive.
      • Doctors have no way of knowing if patients are following instructions, post discharge, in-person follow-up while noticing an increase in recovery time.
      • Schools experience challenges engaging students and parents who speak very little English as a second language for class assignments.
      • Hospitals are forced with providing on-time medications to patients to mitigate risk.
      • Live pictures, gallery and cloud pictures tasks are sent to your phone and automatically read to you in many languages. You do not have to know how to read.
      • Effective for medication reminders – Taking your medications at the right time of day
        Increase accuracy of customer wellness of following medical instructions.
      • Enable and improve the independence of participant’s lifestyle.
        Hospitals can mitigate risk management by knowing the time, date, type of medication along with a picture of the medication that was given to patients.
      • Doctors can send picture of medication instructions and text to speech readout schedule to patient phone.
        Collaborate with teachers, parents and classmates with visual and audio readouts.
    Elevator Pitch
      • The MyAbilities Task Scheduler is a mobile App and Management Console that will promote independence and ensure accountability for hospitals, nursing homes, people with special needs, health and mental challenges, seniors, veterans, students, caregivers including anyone having challenges taking medications, and people in rehabilitation programs.
      • You do not have to know how to read because the app provides a visual picture and reads directions to you in many languages. It gets your attention.

    Download the App Now to Your Phone or Mobile Device

  • Search: MyAbilities in Apple and Google Play
  • Customizable Reminders Push Notifications Accessibility Friendly